
Membership Information and Dues


  • Membership Dues are $65.00, payable in January every year.
  • Prorate costs kick in beginning in July: $35! for the remainder of the year.
  • Read on to find out how to pay.

Membership Benefits

Long Beach Modern Quilt Guild is welcoming group comprised of people at all skill levels with a sincere appreciation for any quilter creating from where they are– whether they are new to quilting or master artists. And there is so much more! Here are some additional benefits to joining our guild.

I'm Ready to Join!

Great! We're happy to have you on board. Submit your payment information and our membership chair will be in touch - and please feel free to contact us via email if you have questions in the meantime or before you send in your payment.

Ways to Pay your LBMQG Dues

  • Use our email address: longbeachmqg@gmail.com to add us to your Zelle App.
    Note: our treasurer's name comes up in the name


  • If you are on your Laptop or Desktop computer, you can scan the QR CODE below with your phone camera to be taken our PayPal Account
  • Send a check made out to Long Beach MQG to our treasurer. Email us, and we'll forward the mailing information