

The Long Beach Modern Quilt Guild is dedicated to providing programming centered on modern quilting in the greater Long Beach community. Founded in 2015, the LBMQG aims to inspire, educate and develop friendships while striving to bridge the needs of our community through quilting.
LBMQG is based in Southern California and is part of the Modern Quilt Guild community.


  • Monthly meetings are held every 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 7 p.m. 
  • Most meetings are held in person with a limited virtual option using Zoom when possible. Details for our next meeting
  • Monthly board meetings are virtual, open to all members and scheduled prior to adjourning

Social Media

If you love modern quilting like we do, we encourage you to follow LBMQG on Facebook and Instagram.

These hashtags are also a great way to keep up with our guild, members, and the modern quilting community:

  • #lbmqgathome - Member driven content, such a projects, online activities, tips, or items with a modern focus shared with LBMQG
  • #lbmqgphilanthropy - Featuring LBMQG philanthropy projects as a part of our commitment to giving back to our community.
  • #showusyourmqg - Sponsored by the Modern Quilt Guild, this hashtag is used by MQG members to share and follow modern quilting


What is modern quilting?

Modern quilting is a broad category of quilt design inspired by modern aesthetics. Makers generally design with the aim of making functional items. For more information about what defines modern quilting and the history of the modern quilt movement, visit this helpful link at the Modern Quilt Guild website.

What makes LBMQG terrific?

Long Beach Modern Quilt Guild is a welcoming group comprised of people at all skill levels with a sincere appreciation for any quilter creating from where they are– whether they are new to quilting or master artists. Our members enjoy all MQG membership benefits. This includes access to MQG online resources and programs, free entry into QuiltCon, and early Quiltcon class registration. All this and fellowship with a friendly local community and great programming centered on modern quilting! Join us at our next meeting!

Who can join LBMQG?

Anyone! LBMQG is open to all skill-sets who bring a passion for modern quilting and a desire to share and engage with our community. Visit our "Join Our Guild" page to find out more about how to sign up!

Does your guild take fabric donations?

Although sympathetic to the need for outlets to donate, LBMQG does not accept fabric donations as we do not have the resources to manage and store this commodity. We recommend Diary of Quilter's Amy Smart collated list of places to visit and ways to donate fabric stashes. Amy's blog post offers many valuable resources. We heartily agree when she writes, " Before you send off fabric willy-nilly, I do recommend contacting the organization directly before you donate to understand their specific needs and only send fabric they can put to good use."

Contact Us

Email us at longbeachmqg@gmail.com